Gls Vs X7 2020

Gls Vs X7 2020

Mercedes GLS 2021 front

At motorway speeds, though, both cars are impressively refined. Their engines fade into barely audible background noise, while wind and road roar are extremely well suppressed. You'll feel pleasantly isolated from the outside world, ready to munch through the miles with ease.

This serene tranquillity is more readily broken in the GLS, though. Drive over a speed bump or pothole and you'll hear plenty of abrupt thumps as the suspension bears the impacts. Meet the same obstacles in the X7 and it shields you from those noises rather more efficiently.

In fact, you'll feel the difference as well as hear it. Although both cars ride on adaptive air suspension, the GLS is far more easily unsettled by surface imperfections, not helped by the enormous 23in wheels it wears as standard, and it struggles to smooth out vertical movements when you encounter an undulating road. The X7 does a much better job of absorbing such bumps and crests; it glides over all but the most pockmarked of road surfaces.

BMW X7 2021 front

It also has tighter body control, helping to prevent you from being tossed around in your seat, as well as keeping the car more upright through corners. There's masses of grip, too, and while it's no sports car, it's more satisfying than the GLS to hustle along a winding country road.

The GLS, by contrast, is far from confidence-inspiring to drive quickly. While the X7's steering is sharp and responsive, the GLS's is vague and slow. Plus, the latter car can't deal with quick changes in direction with the fluency exhibited by the X7.

The X7 has another trick up its sleeve in the form of optional four-wheel steering. When driving slowly, it turns the rear wheels in the opposite direction to the fronts to tighten the turning circle. With it fitted, the X7 is remarkably easy to manoeuvre at low speeds for a car of its size.

Gls Vs X7 2020


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